The ever-evolving digital marketing landscape has accelerated the demand for websites to capture the target audience’s interest. However, many online businesses fail to gain traction as they can’t convey their message in the language the audience understands. This results in the downfall, leading to low conversions. As you know, a website has the power to either attract or repel potential customers. With unreadable language, you can barely attract a few people. If your website is only available in one language, it is unlikely to engage international customers. However, nobody can beat you on global grounds if your website is in multiple languages.

A website in multiple languages tends to be found easily on search engines. In fact, more than 50% of customers prefer to purchase a product or service from a website available in their language. It comes down to the point that website translation services are paramount. Well, website translation means translating your website content into another language to get success in multilingual markets. It can be done in numerous ways. However, it can be an overwhelming task if you are new to this. But fret not; we’ve created the ultimate guide on website translation services. This guide will cover the ins and outs of the entire process and how to find the right website translation services.

What are Website Translation Services?

The term “website translation services” refers to a suite of services where you must adjust your website content to different languages. Typically, you hire these services from a language service provider (LSP), which is a company or someone that provides one or more language services.

 Not all LSPs provide the same services. Some specialize in specific services unrelated to websites, such as subtitling or interpreting, but others, such as full-service LSPs, provide a wide range of language services. Website translation services involve translating the following content from the source language to the target language: 

  • UI text on landing pages, buttons, forms, and other aspects
  • Product Descriptions
  • Blog posts
  • Privacy Policies and Terms
  • Help desk content and more. 

Website translation is a highly intricate process that demands a meticulous approach. It’s not just about converting words from one language to another; it’s about ensuring that your message in the target language carries the same wit, wisdom, and charisma as in the source language. It also involves incorporating the right keywords and phrases to ensure search engines accurately index your website in the target market.

 The value of choosing a professional website translation service should be considered: They have the abilities and proficiency to make your website visible and resolve customers’ queries. 

Why Website Translation Services?

To grow global

You worked hard to create an excellent product or service. Then, you paid a lot to get a good website done; you worked hard to get the design, style, and content correct! To expand your business internationally, use your efforts wisely by offering a website in multiple languages. Don’t cut shortcuts in communication. It’s the basis of business success! More than 73% of internet users search and browse the internet in languages other than English. To tap into the global market of non-English speaking customers, it is necessary to have your website translated into the languages of your clients or target countries. 

To respect customers preferences

More than half of individuals buy from websites that present product or service information in their native language. Language is an important aspect to grow business especially globally. So it is important to showcase the content in their native language. This way you can win their trust and comfort! 

To expand the reach

A website in English only blocks many potential local customers who might benefit from it. So, making your website available in local languages allows you to reach customers who are not comfortable dealing in English. To meet these objectives, your company requires professional website translation services. 

The Website Translation Services Process

Translating a website into another language involves several steps to ensure that all content is accurately and effectively conveyed to the target audience. Here’s a detailed, easy-to-understand explanation of the process:

  1. Preparation

   – Assessment: Evaluate the website’s content to understand its scope. It includes identifying the number of pages, the type of content (text, images, videos), and any technical aspects, such as embedded scripts or dynamic content.

   – Choosing a Translation Method: Decide whether to use human translators, machine translation, or both. Human translators are better for accuracy and cultural nuances, while machine translation can speed up the process.

   – Selecting Translation Tools: If you are using translation management systems (TMS) or computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools, choose the ones that best suit your needs.

  1. Extracting Content

   – Content Export: Extract the text content from the website. It can be done manually or using automated tools. Make sure to include all elements, such as headers, footers, menus, and metadata.

   – Formatting: Ensure the extracted content is in a format that is easy for translators to work with, such as XML, CSV, or XLIFF files.

  1. Translation

   – Translators: Engage professional translators who are native speakers of the target language. They will translate the content while maintaining the original meaning and tone.

   – Context: Provide translators with context, including the purpose of the website, target audience, and any specific terminology or style guides to follow.

   – Review: Have a second translator or editor review the translated content to ensure accuracy and consistency.

  1. Localization

   – Adapting Content: Modify the translated content to suit cultural and regional preferences. Changing images, colors, date formats, currency, and other locale-specific elements might involve changing.

   – Technical Adjustments: Ensure the website’s code can handle the translated text, especially if the target language requires different character sets or text direction (e.g., right-to-left for Arabic).

  1. Integration

   – Reimport Content: Integrate the translated and localized content into the website. This involves placing the text in the correct places and ensuring that all links, buttons, and forms work correctly.

   – Testing: Thoroughly check the website for layout, functionality, and content display issues. Ensure that all interactive elements work correctly in the target language.

  1. Quality Assurance

   – Proofreading: Conduct a final proofreading to catch any last-minute errors or inconsistencies.

   – User Testing: If possible, have native speakers of the target language use the website to provide feedback on the translation and user experience.

  1. Launch and Maintenance

   – Launch: Make the translated version of the website live. Ensure that users can easily switch between different language versions.

   – Ongoing Updates: Maintain the translated website by regularly updating content and translations as needed. Ensure that any new content added to the original site is promptly translated and localized.

Additional Tips

SEO Optimization: Optimize the translated content for search engines in the target language to ensure it reaches the intended audience.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the translated website complies with local laws and regulations, including privacy policies and terms of service.

How To Find The Best Website Translation Services?

Finding the best website translation services involves several steps to ensure a reliable, high-quality service that meets your needs. Here’s a comprehensive guide written in simple, human language:

Step 1: Identify Your Needs

Before you start searching, clarify what you need:

Language Pairs: Which languages do you need to translate from and into?

Content Type: Is it technical, legal, marketing, or general content?

Volume: How much content do you need to be translated?

Turnaround Time: How quickly do you need the translation completed?

Step 2: Research Potential Services

Start by searching online for website translation services. Look for companies with good reviews and high ratings. Here are some key factors to consider:

Reputation and Reviews

Client Testimonials: Look for testimonials on the company’s website and independent review sites.

Case Studies: Check if they have case studies showcasing their work.

Industry Recognition: Awards or recognitions can indicate a high level of service.

Experience and Expertise

Years in Business: More established companies often have proven track records.

Specialization: Ensure the company has experience in your industry and with your type of content.

Qualified Translators: Look for services that employ native speakers and certified translators.

Step 3: Evaluate Their Services

Quality Assurance

Editing and Proofreading: Check if the translation includes editing and proofreading by a second linguist.

Quality Control: Find out what quality control measures they have in place.

Technology and Tools

Translation Memory: Ask if they use translation memory tools to ensure consistency and reduce costs for repeated phrases.

Content Management: Some services integrate content management systems (CMS) for seamless updates.

Customer Support

Availability: Ensure they offer support in your time zone and have a reliable customer service team.

Communication: Good communication is key. They should be responsive and easy to reach.

Step 4: Compare Pricing

Translation costs can vary widely. Get quotes from several companies and compare:

Pricing Models: Some charge per word, per page, or per hour. Choose the model that best suits your needs.

Included Services: Make sure you understand what’s included in the price (e.g., proofreading, project management).

Step 5: Ask for Samples

Request samples of their work. A reputable service can provide examples of previous translations similar to your project.

Step 6: Check for Certifications

Look for companies with recognized certifications:

ISO 17100: This certification indicates compliance with international standards for translation services.

Association of Translation Companies (ATC): The ATC awards this stamp to its Accredited Members, indicating that the translation company has passed a rigorous vetting process. This includes assessments of financial stability, quality management processes, client and supplier references, and professional indemnity insurance. The certification stamp signals to clients that the translation has been carried out by a highly qualified and vetted company

Step 7: Trial Project

Consider starting with a small project to test their services. It can give you a better idea of their quality, efficiency, and compatibility with your needs.

Lisan India for Professional Website Translation Services for your Journey

As you can tell, the process of translating your website content and integrating it back into your site isn’t a simple one. However, availing yourself of website translation services from Lisan India makes it easy as all the steps are automatically taken care of. With our best professional translation services, you can manage your website effortlessly. 

We have completed countless website translation projects while paying great attention to the linguistic, cultural, and commercial aspects of the content. We translated online material for internationalization projects from English to French, Spanish, Polish, Russian, German, and many other languages.

 What sets our website translation services apart is the unique credibility we gain from the exceptional talents of our translators. Their expertise can be the deciding factor in whether your message is accepted or rejected, potentially impacting your business. Trust in our professional translators to deliver the best results for your website. 

Also Read: Your Ultimate 21 Steps Guide to Finding the Best Website Translation Services Online